Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam


This is my transformative photo. This photo was part of a project that I designed and I am proud of the idea that I came up with. My idea was to bring back old toys and games that I have not played with for years and cherish the articles of my childhood. This photo is an example of what I learned photography can do. It isn't as simple as pushing a button. I experienced firsthand how much thought goes behind setting up a picture and even afterwards editing it. I learned that it could tell stories. I learned that it can be used to inspire and to share moments with others. Most importantly, it is a record and it holds memories so that I can never forget them. 

Shape refers to closed lines that are inherently two-dimensional. They are flat, unlike art which has form. Form is three-dimensional, which means that it has depth.

Pattern is more prevalent throughout the whole picture. It is the same object being copied without any variation. Repetition, on the other hand, can have the same pattern yet still make each copy feel different from one another. That means that a picture with repetition will be less monotonous than a picture of just pattern.

4. My Weebly site's about page is here.
A photographer who inspired me is actually a pair of photographers. Their about page is here.

5. My last three projects are: Fun and Games, Commercial Shoot, and Multicultural Week (Newest to oldest).
The most recent project titled "Fun and Games" is what I view as my best work. Out of all the projects throughout the year, this one holds the most personal connection, because it ties in nostalgia with growing up. It made me realize that I could actually create a good idea and execute it well. It made me realize that, yes, I am a good photographer and that I can continue to improve, because I was able to do this for myself. I see what I am capable of, and that gives me confidence to advance my photography skills.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews

Period 1:
I chose to review Amandi's Weebly site. I especially liked the photo of the cassette player and the lamp, because the lighting matched the antiquated feeling of the composition.

Period 2:
I looked at Ryen's Weebly site. My favorite photo is the one of his dog Juno staring at some red toy at the center of the picture. The striking part of the photo is the dog's blue eyes which almost convey a sense of longing.

Period 3:
I looked at Jason's Weebly site. My favorite photo is one of a sunset peeking through an abandoned shed. The way the sunlight is just barely showing above the mountains and below the frame of the window is breathtaking.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Photo Story Multicultural Week - Onigiri

Step 1: Advertising, attract any potential customers

Step 2: Marketing, make them want to buy it

Step 3: Sales, complete the pitch

Step 4: Satisfaction, a happy customer is its own form of advertisement

Step 5: Enjoyment, if people enjoy it, they will buy it

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Story With A Photo - Recycling

Beneath one of the many beverage vendors is this box with the enthusiastic command to return the empty bottles to the vendor. One would think that this is an effort to promote recycling, preventing bottles from regrettably ending up in the trash. However, that course of action seems to not have been thought out to well as this photo shows. Despite the advice on the box and its implied intentions, the bottles ultimately end up in the trash, defeating the purpose of ever having a box in the first place.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


We walk around the vendors, unexchanged money lying in our pockets. 
The lines are long, so we wait, walking and observing. I take pictures of everything I see. 
Friends, strangers, food, beverages, buyers, and sellers; I take photos of each one. 
It has been nearly half an hour before we exchange our money for a line of tickets. 
Even then we wait for a little longer. 
Food stocks are depleting; some stalls have already closed; some stalls are desperate. 
That is what we are waiting for. 
The price of a burger drops one ticket. 
It is late, but we have found it: the bargain, the deal. 
We refund the unspent tickets into money, one less dollar that could have been spent.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Principles of Design - Unity


Exposure -0.30
Clarity +22
Vibrance +18
Saturation +8

First, the recycle symbol, a triangle of arrows by itself is a symbol of unity. Then, with the star located in its center, a sense of value is placed on that symbol. The unity comes from the arrows revolving around this one star.

Principles of Design - Variety



Temperature +10
Clarity -26

Protruding from this pile of man-made trash is one branch, a part of the natural environment. Behind this dumpster is a rusted and unused vent that once collected sawdust. These elements represent the principle of variety, multiple objects that are all part of the same photo.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

Partner: Jason
1. This photo has a very fast shutter speed. The trucks on the right are likely moving down the highway and the image of them is perfectly clear. Only a quick shutter speed could make the trucks appear frozen.
2. My rule of composition is a unique viewpoint. This photo is taken from the center of a highway, looking towards the horizon. It highlights the feeling of being one of the few observers of an accident on an otherwise bland road.
    It also uses the rule of looking into space. The highway moves away from the photographer and fades into the distance.
3. The use of space is very apparent in this photo. The trucks on the right provide a sense of depth as they move away from the photographer.
4. This photo emphasizes movement. The eye is drawn to the fallen truck first, because it is fairly rare to see a truck on its side. Then, the eye moves to the next source of color: the blue and green of the trucks on the right.

Shutter Speed 1/4000 s

Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design - Proportion


Clarity -21

Vibrance +37

These traffic cones are arranged in five distinct rows. Much like how they are warnings of accidents ahead and represent order, their arrangement comes together to create a sense of unity.

Documenting the Blues in the Mississippi Delta - Variety

I chose this photo as having the most variety. There are three main elements that make up this photo: the fisherman, the boat and its nets, and the background environment. The fishermen's presence in the foreground highlight them as the subject of the photo. Then the eye moves down towards the fish caught in their nets which balances the position of the fishermen. Finally, the environment which consists of two trees and muddy water, sets the context of the photo.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Principles of Design - Rhythm

Clarity +71
Saturation -47

Marked in the dirt are two tire tracks that stand out among all the other faded tracks. Together they lead the eye down the road where they seem to blend in with the other patterns. This synchronized movement is an example of rhythm.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Movie Monday Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4

1. What is your definition of successful?
A: Success is accomplishing the goals that you create. For me, there are measurable goals like getting into college and finding a job. There are also intangible goals like improving the ease of which I talk with strangers or in front of large groups.2. What have you given up to become successful?
3. What did Parks give up to become successful?
4. Who was Genevieve Young's father?
5. How much was Parks advanced to write his first book (and eventual best-selling autobiography)?
A: $50,0006. How much money did Elijah Muhammad offer Parks to do a story on The Nation of Islam?
7. Why did Parks refuse the money?
8. What was significant about the movie The Learning Tree?
A: It was the first movie directed by Gordon Parks and became an American classic.9. What was significant about the character Shaft?
He was the first prominent African American main character who was virtually a superhero.10. What was Gordon Parks' choice of weapons?
Photography, art, music, writing, and film. He believed that nonviolent weapons were, in some cases, more powerful than violent weapons.11. What reason did Genevieve Young give for the divorce?
A: Their life together was very unpredictable and she could not maintain control of both her job and their marriage.12. In 1984, Parks directed Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. What recent feature film told the same story?
A: "12 Years a Slave"13. Who was Gordon Parks, jr?
A: He followed in his father's footsteps of becoming a photographer and filmmaker. His tragic death in a pane crash would leave an irreparable on Gordon Parks.14. What is your favorite Gordon Parks photo?
A: My favorite photos are the ones from the earliest point of his career with all the fashion models who gave him the opportunity to become a successful photographer.15. What will you remember about Gordon Parks in ten years?
A: I will remember him first as a photographer and second as a filmmaker, musician, and artist.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Principles of Design - Repetition

Contrast +65
Shadows -20
Blacks -15
Saturation +15

The caution tape is set up around this structure in parallel rows. The unique feature of all the upside-down "cautions" is evident on each side of the cube they form.

Principles of Design - Pattern


Clarity -28
Vibrance -24
Saturation +38

The pattern here is a simple one formed by eight rectangles. Each tile features the same pattern.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Principles of Design - Movement

Exposure -0.80
Blacks +18
Vibrance -15

The movement here refers not to actual objects in motion but the way the eye moves across the photo. I found that the vibrant caution tape draws the eye first which then moves to the wood pile to the top-left. The third element is the metal beam located in the bottom-left.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Principles of Design - Emphasis


Contrast +19
Highlights +29
Whites +9
Clarity +19

Located between two marble benches is one wooden bench that stands apart. Its central location and the fact that it is different from the other benches emphasizes it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Principles of Design - Balance

Clarity +100
Vibrance +100
Saturation +100

These three beams in the bell tower quad exhibit the principle of balance. Together they divide the photo into three separate sections. The roof in the background balances the size of the closest beam.

Friday, March 6, 2015